Air Separation
Air separation is used in a wide variety of industries such as Oil & Gas, Metallurgy, Chemical, Paper, Coal Chemical and others. Air separation plants are used to separate atmospheric gasses into its various components, and its main products are oxygen and nitrogen. Therefore, oxygen & cryogenic valves are widely used in the air separation industry and SNY can provide complete valve solutions for this critical service.
There are a number of critical valves throughout air separation plants. Extreme temperature swings and oxygen-rich environments put considerable stress on valves. Great attention must be paid to every detail from metallurgy to the lubricants used to prevent hazardous sparking and ignition situations. SNY oxygen service valves are assembled and tested in a separate clean room which utilizes advanced equipment including cleaning and ultraviolet inspection. Our cryogenic valves are the result of extensive R&D efforts and testing. We use advanced materials of construction, including Monel, that are proven to overcome process conditions of air separation service .
Every SNY oxygen & cryogenic valve is designed and manufactured per customer service conditions to fulfil site situation, ensure safe operation, and extend the time between scheduled maintenance.
PSA Oxygen System Compression Device